Thursday, March 5, 2009

The RNC's New Bag. NOT!

RNC Chairman Michael Steele tossed about like rag doll. Meanwhile, conservative entertainer Rush Limbaugh continues to spew extreme values.

It's time for a little disclosure. I am a pretty strong Democrat. And by that I mean that I have worked in Democratic politics for a couple of years now and I want everyone to know before reading this that I may display a slant to this opinion. Please note: there is a slant to all opinion

Rush Limbaugh. You are the undisputed king of the Conservative movement. Please continue your ranting tirades through the airwaves. Please continue to spew your hyper-conservative grumblings and point your finger at those who mock you from centrist or just left of centrist (and even sometimes just right of centrist) viewpoints. More fuel for the fire baby!

Has anyone in the RNC considered that maybe Michael Steele is what you need for this party right now? You have elected a leader that wants to broaden the base of your supporters, thereby increasing your electability and your response is that Conservatives will not donate to the RNC?

So, what? Your small group of conservatives (current polls putting you at about 25% of the country) are going to elect individual's with a majority? Yeah, last time I checked majorities in a two candidate system need 50% + 1. With a third candidate, you'll need at least 34%. Sounds like ya'll are gonna get a little screwed.

I am a strong Democrat and I believe that the Democratic Party's platform falls in line with my own beliefs. But I want another party in this country. I think that both the Democrats and the Republicans have widened their platforms to accept more of the electorate and I wish that my party would lean a little bit more to the left, just as you, Mr. Limbaugh, want the Republicans to lean to the right. But that can't happen before a strong third party assumes the vacuum of elections or else your opposition will defeat you. Besides the partisan issues, then an even larger part of this country will be unrepresented in politics.

But maybe that's what it will take for the 35% or so of you out there that have no party affiliation to come together and start fighting the two poles of politics in the United States instead of whining that you don't fit into a party.

So the Opinion:
1. Get rid of Steele - He's making you electable and likable;
2. Swing further to the right - As long as you have a minority in opinion polls and are being referred to as "in exhile" you should definitely not consider making your party more palatable as that would cause people to agree with you;
and 3. Where's our third party? - I thought we might get a third party but I suppose the two are entertaining enough that a third would actually make politics serious in this country and people would actually get to vote on candidates they agreed with.

Today's Political Thought
According to FEC Guidelines, a minor party must receive 5% or more of the total vote in a presidential election to be eligible to receive public funding for the next presidential election.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if Rush is good or dangerous in the long term as GOP mouthpiece. I see the short-term benefit to Dems and to progressives. But longer term, could it somehow be flipped?
